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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Home Remedies For Weight Loss - Fast and Safe Weight Loss Home Remedies

Here are some of the best fast and safe home remedies for weight loss. Incorporate these fat burning all-natural tips into your daily diet and watch the fat start melting away.

Eat this for breakfast every morning:

One cup of oatmeal with two tablespoons of ground flax seed, one tablespoon of peanut butter and a half a cup of blueberries.

You can cook the oatmeal in the microwave - add half a cup of regular oatmeal (not instant) and one cup of filtered water in a large bowel and microwave for two minutes. Add the peanut butter (all natural - with no additives - ingredients should be only peanuts and salt), the blueberries (if you can't find fresh ones, purchase a bag of frozen blueberries), and the ground flax seed (it's best if you buy the whole flax seeds and grind it yourself).

This breakfast will provide lots of soluble fiber which is essential for weight loss. Fiber gives you a feeling of fullness and cleans your system out so you won't be bloated. The peanut butter provides the needed protein to give you energy and keep you full longer.

Take a psyllium husk tablet about twenty minutes before each meal - up to three a day. Psyllium is all natural fiber which will make you feel full and will keep your gastrointestinal tract cleaned out.

Drink two to three cups of green tea every day. Green tea is full of antioxidants and is known to stimulate the metabolism and accelerate weight loss. Ensure that it is organic green tea.

When you first get up in the morning, drink a cup of hot water with the juice of one lemon in it. This will help detox your system. During the day, drink lots of water, adding a slice of lemon to each glass.

These home remedies for fast and safe weight loss can be added to your daily diet to ensure you are losing weight the healthy and natural way.

For More Related Topics Blog: Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast

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