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Thursday, September 26, 2013

3 Keys to Easier and More Effective Weight Loss

#1 Aim to minimize rather than eliminate.

Eliminating anything from a diet is sure to be stressful and very hard. What's more, it can create cravings that weaken the desire to continue the game plan. In the long run, cutting back on fattening foods will have a greater success rate rather than trying to cut them out entirely. Sure you might go without a large Frapachino with whipped cream for a week or two, but is the fast from Starbucks going to work forever? My suggestion is to cut the portion size of all "forbidden foods" in half. This way you are still taking a step forward while still being able to enjoy some chocolate cake or a beer after work.

#2 Increase activity not just exercise

In our weight loss culture, we are taught that the only calories spent that contribute to weight loss are those spent during exercise. While exercise is great, it can be time consuming, tiresome and let's face it.....very hard to do sometimes. This is why I always recommend that people look outside of their workouts for more calorie expenditure. Walking the dog, washing the car, playing a round of golf or even walking part of the way into work are great examples. Remember, a calorie burned playing with your kids will help you lose fat just as much as a calorie burned while sweating on a treadmill.

#3 Measure size and shape rather than weight

Finally, smart weight loss comes from smart measuring of results. Using just the scale to measure progress can be a little unclear if you really are making progress, plus slight fluctuations in weight can throw off your motivation and momentum. Instead, look to methods to measure the size and shape of the body. Tape measures are a good way to do this, but my favorite method is to use some jeans or tight fitting shirts. As they say, the scale can lie but skinny jeans are always truthful. Plus you can see where on your body you make progress along the way.

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